Anika Maier, MA

Doctoral Candidate

Anika Maier is a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture, Department of Societal Transition and Agriculture, at the University of Hohenheim. She holds a master’s degree in environmental protection and agricultural food and works as a farmer on an organic farm together with disabled people. Her current research addresses the promotion of biodiversity on agricultural land and the role of farmers’ (traditional) ecological knowledge. Her dissertation is linked to the HABIT graduate academy.

  • Agricultural biodiversity
  • Agroecology and regenerative farming
  • Farmers’ (traditional) ecological knowledge
  • Qualitative social science
  • Transdisciplinary research
Since 2023Dissertation, University of Hohenheim
Since 2019Farmer on an organic care farm for disabled people
2017 - 2019Studies in Environmental Protection and Agricultural Food Production, University of Hohenheim
2014 - 2017Studies in Agricultural Science, University of Hohenheim
Maier, A., Bieling, C., Schmieder, K. (2020): Erhalt und Weiterentwicklung des Streuobstbaus in Baden-Württemberg: Erfolgsfaktoren, Hemmnisse und Lösungsansätze. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 52(11): 524-529
Winkler B., Maier A., Lewandowski I. (2019): Urban gardening in Germany: cultivating a sustainable lifestyle for the societal transition to a bioeconomy. Sustainability 11(3):801.

Postal Adress:

University of Hohenheim
Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture
Societal Transition and Agriculture (430b)
Schloss Museumsflügel (4.15/1C, 130)
70599 Stuttgart, Germany