Veronica Hector, M.A.
Research Associate/Doctoral Candidate
Veronica Hector is a research associate and a doctoral candidate at the Department of Societal Transition and Agriculture at the University of Hohenheim. She holds an M.A. in International Relations and Development policy and a B.A. in Regional Studies of Latin America and Social Sciences. Her research interest mainly revolves around sustainability transitions with a focus on social and ecological justice. In her doctoral dissertation, she addresses the role of narratives and sensemaking processes in sustainability transitions.
Making sense of the social-ecological crisis – Narratives of human/nature-relationships among climate justice movements
- Sensemaking
- Narratives
- Sustainability transitions
- Social & ecological justice
- Human/nature-relationships
Since 09/2022 | Research associate in the project ‘Öko-Valuation’ at the Department of Societal Transition and Agriculture, University of Hohenheim |
Since 05/2022 | Doctoral Candidate, Department of Societal Transition and Agriculture, University of Hohenheim |
Since 12/2021 | Research Associate, Department of Societal Transition and Agriculture, University of Hohenheim |
2021 - 2022 | Research Associate in the research project “New Imaginative Economies”, Institute of Economics, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (formerly Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung) |
2018 - 2021 | M.A. International Relations and Development Policy, University Duisburg-Essen |
2014 - 2018 | B.A. Regional Studies of Latin America and Social Sciences, University of Cologne and Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá |
Schlaile, M. P., Hector, V., Dahlke, J., Peters, L., Hilt, A., & Graupe, S. (2023). Crisis-driven economic change: Insights into innovation, fundamental human needs, and sensemaking during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: I. Henzler, H. Hues, S. Sonnleitner, & U. Wilkens (eds.), Extended views: Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Covid 19-Pandemie. Böhlau, Köln |
Schlaile M., Hector V., Hilt A., Peters L., Graupe S., Bäuerle L. (2022): Imagination in Krisenzeiten. Einblicke in ein laufendes Forschungsprojekt. In: studies4future. Blog für Gesellschaftsgestaltung. (published: 20.04.2022) |
Lütkehermöller K., Hector V., Kachi A. (2021): Climate, COVID-19, and the Developing Country Debt Crisis. Potential criteria for prioritising debt-for-climate swap support. New Climate Institute Working Paper, March 2021 |
18.06.2024 | "From farm to table: uncovering narratives of responsibility and change among actors along agri-food value chains in Germany", 15th IST Conference, Oslo, Norway |
31.08.2023 | “Venturing through the window of opportunity or sitting on its sill? Exploring the implications of narrative archetypes during the COVID-19 crisis for sustainability transitions”, 14. IST Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
30.06.2023 | “Feeling hopeful or helpless: Experiences with agriculture in times of social-ecological crises”, 8. NEST Conference, Dresden |
14.04.2023 | “Einführung in SenseMaker”, Workshop, Spring School – Forschungsmethoden für Gesellschaftsgestaltung, Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung, Koblenz |
06.05.2022 | "Narratives in transition? Agency, imagined futures, and sensemaking of economic decision makers in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic", 7. NEST Conference, Lyon, France |
22.01.2022 | "Crisis-driven economic change: Insights into innovation, basic needs, and sensemaking during the COVID-19 pandemic", Wissenschaftliche Abschlusskonferenz‚ Sonderförderung von wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschung zu Themen der Covid-19 Pandemie organized by Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung (virtual) |
16.07.2021 | "New Imaginative Economies" – Zukunftsentwürfe einer gemeinsinnorientierten Wirtschaft”, interactive Panel at the Symposium "Narrative des Wandels – Praktiken und Perspektiven neuer Institutions- und Gesellschaftsgestaltung", Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung (virtual) |