
Article TitleAuthorsMediaPublication Type
Hybrid intelligence for reconciling biodiversity and productivity in agricultureBerger T., Gimpel H., Stein A., Troost C. Asseng S., Bichler M., Bieling C., Birner R., Grass I., Kollmann J., Leonhardt S.D., Schurr F.M., Weisser W.Nature Food (online first)Journal contribution
Practicing care-full scholarship:
Exploring the use of ‘visual
informed consent’ in a study of
motherhood, health and
agroecology in Coventry, UK
Abbas M., Franklin A., Lemke S., Tornaghi C.Qualatative Research (online first)Journal contribution
Food System in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: Critical reflections on the interface between food systems and ecosystem services using social practice theory. In: Loconto A.M., Constance D.H. (eds) Agrifood Transitions in the Anthropocene. Challenges, contested knowledge, and the need for changeFreyer B. Zerihun Y.A., Bieling C., Bingen J., Lpez Cifuentes M., Ellssel P., Fiala V., Kisakye V., Diez Sanjuan L., Wieck C.Sage Studies in Inernational Sociology. Sage, London     pp. 227-264Book chapter
Understanding small-scale private forest owners is a basis for transformative change towards integrative conservationTiebel M., Mölder A., Bieling C., Hansen P., Plieninger T.People and Nature       pp. 337-353Journal contribution
Innovation amidst turmoil: a sensemaker study of managerial responses to the COVID-19 crisis in GermanySchlaile M.P., Hector V., Peters L., Bäuerle L., Smith B., Hilt A., Graupe S.Journal of Innovation Economics & Management Vol.1 Issue 1 pp. 285-318Journal contribution
Article TitleAuthorsMediaPublication Type
Crisis-driven economic change: Insights into innovation, fundamental human needs, and sensemaking during the COVID-19 pandemic. In I. Henzler, H. Hues, S. Sonnleitner, & U. Wilkens (Eds.)Schlaile, M. P., Hector, V., Dahlke, J., Peters, L., Hilt, A., Graupe, S. Extended views: Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Covid 19-Pandemie pp. 127–141 Book chapter
Food justice in public-catering places: mapping social-ecological inequalities in the urban food systemsHoinle B., Klosterkamp S.Frontiers in Sustainable Food SystemsJournal contribution
Photovoice: Participatory research methods for sustainablity - toolkit# 8: Huber J.M., Bieling C., Garcia-Martin M., Plieninger T., Torralba M.GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society  32(4): 386-388Journal contribution
Bewertung von Ökosystemen und deren Leistungen in Deutschland - Das Beispiel der Streuobstwiesen im Biospöhärengebiet Schwäbisch AlbOhnesorge B., Bieling C., Schleyer C., Plieninger T.Ökosystemleistungen pp. 439-448Buch Kapitel
Social assessment of miscanthus cultivation in Croatia: Assessing farmers' preferences and willingness to cultivate the cropMarting Vidaure N.A., Jurišić V., Bieling C., Magenau E., Wagner M., Kiesel A., Lewandowski I. GCB Bioenergy

15: 916-931

Journal contribution

Disconnection from nature: expanding our understanding of human-nature relations

Beery T., Stahl Olafsson A., Gentin S., Maurer M., Stålhammar S., Albert C., Bieling C., Buijs A., Fagerholm N., Garcia-Martin M., Plieninger T., Raymond, C.M.

People and Nature Volume 5, Issue 2 Special Feature - The Multiple Values of Nature pp 241-869

Journal contribution
Politikempfehlungen für eine Kompensation mit MehrwertBieling C., Spranz L., Clauß S., Humborg C., Maier M. Politikpapier des Projekts RAMONA, Stuttgart
Comparing landscape value patterns between participartory mapping and geolocated social media content across Europe. Landscape and urban Planning 226: 104511Olafsson A.S., Purves R.S., Wartmann F.M., Garcia-Martin M., Fagerholm N., Torralba M., Albert C., Verbrugge L.N.H., Heikinheimo V., Plieninger T., Bieling C., Kaaronen R., Hartmann M., Raymond C.M. Landscape and Urban PlanningJournal contribution
Sozial-ökologische Perspektiven zur Erhaltung der Land(wirt)schaft - Erkenntnisse zu den Allmendweiden im Biosphärengebiet SchwarzwaldBrossette F., Bieling C., Kiefer L., Kemkes W., Röske H.Naturschutz and LandschaftsplanungJournal contribution
Public participation geographical information systems (PPGIS). Participatory research methods for sustainability - Toolkit #1Fagerholm N., Garcia-Martin M., Torralba M., Bieling C., Plieninger T.GAIAJournal contibution
Participatory research methods for sustainabilityTorralba M., Garcia-Martin M., Bieling C., Plieninger T.GAIAJournal contibution
Ethnobotanical knowledge against the combined biodiversity, poverty and climate crisis: a case study from a Karen community in Northern ThailandGeorgiadis P.Plants People Planet Research Article
Adapting common resource management to under-use contexts: the case of common Ppasture organizations in the Black Forest Biosphere ReserveBrossette F ., Bieling C., Penker M.International Journal of the CommonsJournal contribution
Understanding food-related well-being in a diaspora situation: the psychological and social dimensionsAl-Sayed L., Bieling C.Journal of Refugee StudiesJournal contribution
Food-security corridors: A crucial but missing link in tackling deforestation in Southwestern GhanaMensah Kumeh E., Bieling C., Birner R.Land Use PolicyJournal contribution
Looking at hidden connections to explore adaptive capacity of cultural landscape systems: case studies of four landcare associations in Germany 26(4): 11Park H., Bieling C.Ecology and SocietyJournal contribution
Auswirkungen von Kompensationsmaßnahmen auf Landschaftsbild und Erholungswert – eine empirische Untersuchung 96(5): 254-260
Fischer C., Bieling C., Roth M.Natur und LandschaftJournal contribution
Key advantages of the leverage points perspective to shape human-nature relations 17(1): 205-214Riechers M., Loos J., Balázsi Á., García-Llorente M., Bieling C., Burgos-Ayala A., Chakroun L., Mattijssen T.J.M., Muhr M.M., Pérez-Ramírez I., Raatikainen K.J., Rana S., Richardson M., Rosengren L., West S. Ecosystems and PeopleJournal contribution
Ethnobotany of the Himalayas: The Indian Himalaya (Garhwal Himalaya) 35-63P. GeorgiadisEthnobotany of the Himalayas (pp.35-63)Book chapter
How researchers shape the construction of landscape change – insights from a scenario study 46(8): 1057-1070Knierim A., Bieling C., Zander P.Landscape ResearchJournal contribution
Revealing stakeholders' motivation and influence in crane conservation in the Republic of Korea: Net-Map as a tool 3(3): e384Jin H.S., Hemminger K., Fong J.J., Sattler C., Lee S.K., Bieling C., König H.J.Conservation Science and PracticeJournal contribution
Edible weeds and food and nutrition security in the face of the herbicide revolution. A case study from Zambia. Hohenheim Working Papers on Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development 007-2021Daum T., Vehre A., Schweizerhof C., Schunko C."Working Paper University Hohenheim"Article