Ph.D. Projects
Urban Agroecology for health and wellbeing
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Social conditions of food-related well-being in times of crisis: A study on refugees and their role as knowledge brokers | |
Inter-organizational learning activities to boost agroforestry dissemination | |
Stakeholder integration in agri-food and land use systems transformation: governmental and non-governmental strategies for biodiversity-friendly agriculture and land use | |
Stakeholder perspectives on the contribution of digital technologies to improve sustainability of conventional and organic fruit production
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Pavlos Georgiadis Indigenous food and medicinal plants and local knowledge: creating synergies for sustainable development in South East Asia
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Making sense of the social-ecological crisis - Narratives of human/nature-relationships among climate justice movements | |
Akzeptanz und Umsetzung von Anbausystemen ohne chemisch-synthetischen Pflanzenschutz in der Perspektive der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe | |
The organic certification system in transition: Integrating a development-oriented approach into third-party certification - A case study of Demeter's project "Projekt Anerkennung" |
Perspektiven für kommunales Grünland: Analyse und Entwicklung von Handlungsmöglichkeiten für eine nachhaltige Nutzung und Erhaltung von kommunalen Grünlandflächen - eine Studie aus dem Biosphärengebiet Schwarzwald |