

Strategies for more organic-regional products in public catering

We investigate the inhibiting and promoting factors for the increase of organic-regional products in public catering and for the development and strengthening of organic-regional value chains in Baden-Württemberg.




NOcsPS: LaNdwirtschaft 4.0 Ohne chemisch-synthetischen PflanzenSchutz - Akzeptanz und Umsetzung von NOcsPS in der Perspektive der landwirtschaftlichen Betriebe (VP18)

We are investigating the factors that determine the acceptance and implementation of NOcsPS (agriculture without chemical synthetic plant protection products) cropping systems by farms.




Zerti 4.0: Entwicklungsorientierte Anerkennungsverfahren als Bestandteil der Verbandszertifizierung

The project assesses the applicability of a development-oriented procedure for certification in organic farming and food production.




ALPMEMA - ALPine mountain hay MEadows MAnagement: Best practices to maintain their Favorable  Conservation Status against underuse under different property right regimes inside and outside protected areas

ALPine mountain hay MEadows MAnagement: Best practices to maintain their Favorable Conservation Status against underuse under different property right regimes inside and outside protected areas.